Good evening,

Today I wrote this simple tool with php to extract the WordPress Admins users using the WordPress API,

The WordPress API will answer you with JSON so the data will be with JSON,

so we will use file_get_contents to grab the Data as JSON then we will use json_decode to decode the data.

How to use it? It’s simple just enter the WordPress site URL and click the button,


Note: This tool does not work on all WordPress sites, There are some websites that disabled the API so it won’t work.

Check it now on GitHub :

This tool for Educational purpose only , to help the people who willing to make a bigger projects

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Alaa Abdulridha
My name is Alaa Abdulridha I'm a computer engineering student and cybersecurity researcher I'm interested in web application pen-testing and game development, also I'm interested in some bug bounty programs, I like a lot of things such as reverse engineering, reading the others code to learn and then to find my own exploits and teaching it to you, Do you want to know more about me? Click Here.